nattokinase helps dissolve fibrin such as often remains in occluded blood vessels after DVT / blo...
Nattokinase is currently being studied as an effective way to dissolve fibrin and thrombus (blood clots) in study animals (usually rats) as well as in humans. As someone who has suffered and endured more DVTs (Deep Venous Thrombosis) than can be counted across a couple decades and suffers from virtually all the possible complex complications stemming from multiple complete occlusions (including Post Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS), May Thurner Syndrome (MTS), Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), chronic lymphedema and veins that have become destroyed from too many years of warfarin therapy - never again, no matter what, my body simply cannot tolerate the inflammation from warfarin anymore...) finding an effective way to both PREVENT as well as DISSOLVE blood clots is vital for my quality of life.
The many medical professionals I have consulted over the years never explained a basic concept to me - today's oral anti-coagulation therapies are ONLY designed to "prevent" further DVT (which is really ironic considering I always develop extensive new clotting while on warfarin therapy!) There are NO oral medications for "dissolving" existing blood clots OR fibrin which is vital to preventing further complications such as those from which I suffer and have endured. Thankfully for various reasons I was never a good candidate for any of the invasive procedures being tried over the years - whether bypass the MTS, or vena cava filters nor stenting as is being tried in recent years - they all seem to all too frequently cause further cascading series of events that are often very detrimental to quality of life.
I have incorporated nattokinase into my supplement regimen the past few years on a periodic basis as I can afford with obvious success; this is called evidence based experience. Despite having multiple diagnosis leaving me permanently disabled and my leg rather disfigured, *all* of my medical professionals (including a podiatrist, interventional radiologist, vascular surgeons, cardiologists, hematologists, etc) are stunned at how healthy my leg appears DESPITE my very well documented medical saga. Yes, my leg is still obviously disfigured and likely always will be, but the skin appearance is visibly improving and healthier as compared to others suffering a similar set of complex diagnosis stemming from chronic recurrent DVTs.