"Great alternative to steroids. Can't wait to see what I can do naturally."

Zac Aynsley

Pro Bodybuilder & Influencer

"I take ZMA for sleep, Lion's Mane for focus and Vitamin D3 K2 for immune system. "



"Love Tongkat Ali for building muscle!"



"Lion's Mane is great for focus."



"Testosterone increased from 18 to 30 nmoll. Love these supps!"



"Great supplements."



"Amazing gains."


Natural Bodybuilder

"The Collagen is AMAZING for skin!!"



"Sea Moss is amazing x"



"Sea Moss is my new fav supplement x"



"Improved my gains in the gym and my performance in the bedroom."



"Natural Foundation Supplements have been fantastic for me since I've started! I've had unreal energy boosts and recovery."



"I tell everybody about this stack. Love it."


Ex Pro Rugby Player

"LOVE what Collagen does to my skin."



"Testosterone stack is great for building muscle and fat loss."


Personal Trainer

Based on 638 reviews

Very good

Bestsellers Bundle - Tongkat Ali, Fadogia, Turkesterone & Cistanche (Discounted Price)

Natural Muscle Builder Bundle - Tongkat Ali, Fadogia & Turkesterone

Fadogia Agrestis - Increase Testosterone & Sexual Performance

Blood Pressure Support
Blood pressure is down

My blood pressure was averaging 137/84.4 which is a little bit high. After taking this fantastic supplement I am now averaging 129/79 which I am very happy with.

NMN 98% - Anti Ageing, Increased Energy Levels & Cell Repair

Anti-Ageing Bundle - NMN, Resveratrol & Collagen To Slow Ageing & Reduce Wrinkles

Blood Pressure Support
so many positive health benefits

Beets have so many positive health benefits, but honestly, processing and cooking raw beets is about as fun as watching paint dry. I decided to try these supplements - very pleased so far with this product. it sure "beats" dealing with peeling, cooking and staining that comes from raw vegetable. I would recommend it highly. My blood pressure is lower when taking and measuring with a home blood pressure kit.


definately noticing improved energy levels and focus on difficult tasks (about 30 days of nmn+resveratrol). also an interesting side effect: I usually suffer of significant seasonal allergies, this year almost no symptoms and best spring in 20 years. bought a bundle for my mother as well and same goes for her.

Blood Pressure Support
Found a product that will work for me.

I may have found a product that will work for me. I am giving this review only 4 stars as I’ve only been on it 4 days. I bought this with the intent to lower my blood pressure today my reading is 113/82 which is remarkable for me. I usually run around 124/89 on a given day along with fatigue. This is the first day I’ve noticed energy. In fact, I usually boil my beets and drink the juice but instead when I bought this product. I have noticed my swelling that i usually have in my lower legs is gone and my legs aren’t tender. At least not right now.

Blood Pressure Support
It's Beetroot powder without the taste of death.

Beetroot powder might be the worst-tasting thing ever. I tried buying a bag of powder, but couldn't get it down without puking it back up. Dirt tastes better. This has a great flavour. Very good product.

Blood Pressure Support
I highly recommend

I've been using beet root powder as a supplement towards my running endeavors. It a well-researched supplement that comes recommended by many coaches for those doing long distance running. Anyway, I've always bought a powder and mixed it with water before my runs. It's been very beneficial. Call me lazy, but when I saw this product, I loved the idea of a fromulation with flavour and magnsieum and potassium, also which lower blood pressure. My running has been just as optimal. I highly recommend going for it.

Blood Pressure Support
I’ll be a life time buyer

I’ve been struggling for years with high blood pressure. The lowest I would be able to bring it was 134/99 around that area, a week ago it was 156/98. A few days ago I got this supplement. It was recommended to me by a friend, I was skeptical, but I tried it anyway. For years I’ve tried many things and nothing really worked. This morning after using this supplement for a few days I checked my blood pressure and for the first time in years it was 124/85!!!! I highly recommend it, and I’ll be a life time buyer 😬. Assuming it keeps my blood pressure under control.

Blood Pressure Support
Works great

I work in a hospital lab so I do a lot of research on drugs and natural supplements. I try to stay natural when I can because of side effects with drugs. My blood pressure had been running a bit high… not high enough for medications but to the point I needed to watch. I already work out regularly and eat healthy so I looked into different supplements. Within two weeks my blood pressure has dropped 10 points and is completely normal. It appears this works. It definitely works for me.

Clarity and capacity

Three weeks after beginning the supplements I started to feel super focused. It is quite impressive.

Blood Pressure Support
A natural way to lower BP

A natural way to lower BP. It really does work. I do not want to take pharmaceuticals for every issue I have with aging. The BP medication my Dr prescribed me made me feel weird so I researched natural alternatives. Beet Root was the answer. I like this brand because it is non gmo and is proper doses.

Blood Pressure Support

I have had high blood pressure basically my whole life. I found this product when I was looking a god beet supplement for this issue. I learned they research that Beets naturally increase Nitric Oxide and help reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow. After a couple days I started to notice a difference. Not only has my blood pressure dropped but my veins are noticeably bigger in my hands and arms. It’s reduced my problems with cold hands and feet because of the increased flow. I will purchase this again.

Natural TRT Stack - 3 Supplements To Increase Energy & Raise Testosterone
Adrien Halty
Surprisingly efficient

I was debious but I really felt a boost in energy in all my activities, I also hab a better sleep and increased sex drive.

Blood Pressure Support
works but

It works but I would rather a capsule or tablet.

Natural Muscle Builder Bundle - Tongkat Ali, Fadogia & Turkesterone

Love this product bundle

I have noticed amazing results

Cistanche Capsules - Antiaging, Fertility & Increased Blood Flow To Reproductive Organs

Cistanche Capsules - Antiaging, Fertility & Increased Blood Flow To Reproductive Organs

Surprisingly effective

Surprisingly effective, but also relatively expensive, if you consider the monthly rate. But I guess you can't get good cheap :-)

NMN 98% - Anti Ageing, Increased Energy Levels & Cell Repair